Teaching Oracy (Primary)
Growing Inquirers through Dialogue
What are ways I can teach my students the use of learner strategies and skills to improve oral communication and classroom interaction? How can I encourage student collaboration and knowledge construction through purposeful exploratory talk? What are the learner strategies in the areas of listening and viewing, speaking and representing, and oral interaction that my students should acquire to be empathetic communicators, discerning listeners and viewers as well as creative inquirers? How can I teach oracy effectively, including in blended learning contexts?
This learning programme aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of the processes of listening and viewing, and speaking and representing. You will be able to apply the knowledge of spoken grammar and vocabulary to teach pronunciation, prosodic features and oral interaction skills more effectively. You will consider ways to use educational technology in blended learning contexts to support active learning in participatory, connected and reflective classrooms. You will also learn how to use multimodal texts to teach oral communication skills.
Learning Goals
By the end of this learning programme, you will be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles of teaching oracy;
- apply knowledge of phonetics and phonology to teach pronunciation and prosodic features for effective communication;
- teach learner strategies, processes and skills for listening and viewing, speaking and representing, and oral interaction; and
- assess listening and viewing, speaking and representing, and oral interaction.
Target Participants
EL Key Personnel, Teacher Leaders and Teachers