Teaching Writing and Representing (Primary)
Nurturing Creative, Critical and Purposeful Writers
How do I support my students to develop a positive disposition towards writing and representing? How do I enable them to write creatively and critically for a variety of purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures? What do I need to do to plan and teach engaging and effective writing lessons that meet my students’ readiness to learn, interests and learning profiles? How can I teach writing and representing effectively, including in blended learning contexts?
This learning programme aims to provide you with a deeper understanding of the processes of writing and representing. You will have opportunities to explore, practise and reflect on how to teach writing and representing. You will consider ways to use educational technology in blended learning contexts to support active learning in participatory, connected and reflective classrooms.
Learning Goals
By the end of this learning programme , you will be able to:
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of writing as a complex cognitive, linguistic and social process;
scaffold the learning of writing and representing to meet students’ readiness to learn, interests and learning profiles;
teach students the skills and learner strategies for writing and representing creatively and critically, with an awareness of purpose, audience, context and culture using a range of learning resources; and
use student writing as evidence to ascertain student progress and to inform decisions about teaching, learning and assessment.
Target Participants
EL Key Personnel, Teacher Leaders and Teachers at the primary level