Building Knowledge of English Grammar – Word Classes (Primary and Secondary)
What are word classes in the English language? How do I know if a word is a verb, a noun, an adjective, an adverb, or something else? How can I explain why a word is sometimes a verb and sometimes an adjective? Why should I know about the form, function and meaning of words? Why do all these questions matter to my students and me?
In this course, you will attain clearer understanding of word classes in the English language. You will be able to apply your understanding to teach word classes accurately and enable your students to use their understanding of word classes to listen, read, view, speak, write and represent more effectively. You will also consider ways to use educational technology in blended learning contexts to support active learning in participatory, connected and reflective classrooms. For your learning to be meaningful and relevant, you will have the opportunity to apply your understanding through analysing and responding to your students’ work.
Learning Goals
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
demonstrate understanding of word classes in the EL Syllabus 2020;
apply your understanding to interpret your students’ questions and answers on word classes, teach word classes to your students and explore the use of a variety of grammar references; and
explain how you will know when your students have understood word classes in the English language.
Course Structure
Mode of Learning |
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Asynchronous Online Learning Period |
3 hours |
Mon, 3 Feb – Mon, 24 Feb |
Synchronous Online Learning Session |
2.5 hours |
Thu, 27 Feb (P.M.) |
Target Participants
EL Key Personnel, Teacher Leaders and Teachers at the primary and secondary levels
Closing date for registration: Mon, 13 Jan
Register on OPAL2.0 using this code: EL-000091.
For enquiries, please contact:
Ms Cindy Woon (Academy Officer/Pedagogy) at