Podcasts on Effective Communication
Podcast Series
Effective Communication
Podcasts on Effective Communication
Understanding Subject Literacy
Effective Communication for Learning
Windows on Expertise
Podcasts on Windows on Expertise
Building Multiliteracies in EL Classrooms (Episode 1)
Building Multiliteracies in EL Classrooms (Episode 2)
Metacognition and Its Place in Our English Language Classrooms (Episode 3)
Teaching Learning & Assessment
Podcast Series on Areas of Teaching, Learning & Assessment
Inquiry Through Dialogue in Teaching Grammar
Inquiry Through Dialogue in Teaching Writing and Representing
Inquiry Through Dialogue in Teaching Oracy
Inquiry Through Dialogue in Teaching Reading and Viewing
Inquiry Through Dialogue in English Language Teaching and Learning
Inquiry Through Dialogue – Building a Culture of Learning Through Talk in English Language Classroom
Inquiry Through Dialogue – Using Questioning Techniques
Inquiry Through Dialogue – Motivating Students to Write
Inquiry Through Dialogue – Facilitating Productive Interaction in Groups
Metacognition in EL Teaching and Learning
Metacognition in Teaching Oracy
Metacognition in Teaching Grammar
Metacognition in Teaching Reading and Viewing
Metacognition in Teaching Writing and Representing
The Teaching and Learning of Critical Reading
Multiliteracies in EL Teaching and Learning
Multiliteracies in Teaching Oracy
Multiliteracies in Teaching Reading and Viewing
Multiliteracies in Teaching Writing and Representing
Multiliteracies in Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
Classroom Inquiry
Podcast Series on Classroom Inquiry
Part 2: Learning from Classroom Inquiry at School of Science and Technology
Part 1: Using Reader Roles to Develop Students as Critical Readers
Classroom Inquiry: Supporting Students with Mixed–case Letter Identification Difficulty
Classroom Inquiry: Engaging Students in Poetry Discussions Using Socratic Circles
Classroom Inquiry: Developing Motivation to Write Through Journaling (Part 1)
Classroom Inquiry: Developing Motivation to Write Through Journaling (Part 2)
Classroom Inquiry: Developing Motivation to Write Through Journaling (Part 3)
Classroom Inquiry: Developing motivation to write through journaling (Part 4)
Classroom Inquiry — Inquiring into Reading Strategies: Our Learning Experience
Exploring Fluency in Oral Communication (Part 1)
Exploring Fluency in Oral Communication (Part 2)
Using Annotation to Develop Inferencing Skills for Critical Reading (Part 1)
Using Annotation to Develop Inferencing Skills for Critical Reading (Part 2)
Learning from Inquiry as a Zonal Networked Learning Community (NLC) (Part 1)
Learning from Inquiry as a Zonal Networked Learning Community (NLC) (Part 2)
Learning from Inquiry as a Zonal Networked Learning Community (NLC) (Part 3)
Using Drama Techniques to Improve Student Writing
Helping Primary Two Students to Write Better Stories
Research Summaries
Podcast Series on Research Summaries
Research Summary ― Children’s Talk and the Development of Reasoning in the Classroom
Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings
Research Summary ― Singaporean Students’ Awareness of Listening and Speaking Strategies
Research Summary ― The Impact of Classroom Goal Structures on Students’ Learning of English
Research Summary ― The Role of Vocabulary in Reading Comprehension
Singapore Writing Institute
Podcast Series on The Singapore Writing Institute
Teacher as Writer: Why Writing with your Students is Important
Teacher as Inquirer: Nurturing Voice in Students' Writing
Teacher of Writers: How to Move Our Student Writers Forward
Teacher as Leader: Leading from the Classroom
Grammar Matters
Podcasts on Grammar Matters
Singular and Plural: Countable and Uncountable Nouns – At the Supermarket
Definite and Indefinite Articles – A Letter of Complaint
Collective Nouns – At the Airport
Adjectives – The Advertisement
Pronouns – The Accident
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs – The Cruise
Active and Stative Verbs – The Voicemail
Verbs with Prepositions – The Email
Verb Forms – The Lunar New Year Celebrations
Subject–Verb Agreement – The Interview
Tenses – Remembering Weddings
Tense Sequence – The Embarrassment
Modal Verbs – Contacting Mr Tan
Formation of Questions and Answers – Arranging an Interview
Giving Commands and Instructions – Ai Ling and First Aid
Coordinating Conjunctions – Overseas and Overworked
Subordinating Conjunctions – Going Abroad
Use of Tenses When Linking Ideas and Clauses – A Visit to Australia
Reporting What Others Say – Looking for a Job
English Language Teaching
Podcasts on Developments in English Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore
Developments in English Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore (Episode 1)
Developments in English Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore (Episode 2)
Developments in English Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore (Episode 3)
Developments in English Language Teaching and Learning in Singapore (Episode 4)
At the Heart of GP Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Listen to our Effective Communication podcast series, which highlights the importance of developing students’ English language and communication skills in English medium subjects.