Experience the Joy of Learning
Experience the Joy of Learning
By Amir Wahab
“Experience the Joy of Learning”, so the bright sign says above the passengers on the train, advertising knowledge to be gained with little or no pain!
My thoughts meander to other experiences, related and unrelated to what I see…
Experience my first school,
Experience the times that have past like pictures in my head,
Experience time in motion,
Experience the flow of warm air pass my face as we come to a stop,
Experience a village called Holland, what would the Dutch make of it all?
Experience life in motion with ins and outs and passers-by,
Experience the clatter and the chatter, so many places to go, so much to see and say,
Experience pulling up, stopping, standing still, and “mind the gap”,
Experience the forces at work as we pull away down the dark tunnel,
Experience the voice that tells you where, when, how and what to do,
Experience the scrolling red dotted lights making the messages clear,
Experience the fixed gazes on precious phones,
My thoughts meander to other experiences, related and unrelated to what I see…